For me this year has been one I will always remember, not just for experiences for which there have been many but the new friends I have made along the way.
The most important moment of 2012 for me was the Celtic Moon Pagan Pilgrimage back in May. For one the weather was truly glorious and the visits to the sacred sites were breath taking. Even now I can remember the buzz that ran through my body as I stood underneath one of the great arches of Stonehenge.
This year has been very much a pagan year for me. After the pilgrimage I became a full member within the Celtic Moon circle and have partaken in some beautiful rituals that has helped cement my path that I am on.
Making my drum in September has now opened up a doorway into Shamanism which I am very keen to follow, recently I have been visiting Caer Corhrain where I birthed my drum for drum circles and feel a real connectedness which took me quite by surprise.
Of course this is the year that I started this blog and decided to show my Rockabilly side some more and I am glad I did! I only have a few followers at present but the feedback I receive from my readers makes me want to continue blogging.
Of course this year we got Keijo the Finnish Lapphund puppy. I absolutely love having a dog in the house and I am amazed how big he is now from the tiny pup we got back in July! He truly is a handsome boy and very clever but still has a naughty streak!
So what does 2013 have in store? Well I need a new job. I am fed up of not having weekends and I need to earn more money. I have already begun sending out my CV so I hope something comes of it.
For Christmas I got a pyrography burning tool from Leon so I hope to be able to master it and make some beautiful artwork.
I have many events in my diary that I will be going to as well as trading at, I will be writing about these in due course.
Wishing you all a very blessed 2013!
Monday, 31 December 2012
Friday, 21 December 2012
Yule blessings
Today marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night but from this point on the light will start to return. In the Celtic calendar this sabbat is known as Yule.
Many celebrate Yule by visiting sacred sites such as Stonehenge to view the sunrise.
This is also the time when the Holly King passes his crown to the Oak King who rules from now till the Summer Solstice.
While writing this blog I was listening to Damh the Bards Druidcast podcast where he played a beautiful colloquy based on the battle of the two tree kings. If you download the podcast you can hear for yourself but here is the colloquy for you to read.
Colloquy of the Oak and Holly King
By Damh the Bard & Cerri Lee
Cold and bright the solstice dawn breaks through the heol-stone gate,
Time out of mind the stones have stood marking the zenith and the nadir of the sun’s journey across the sky.
Cut by our ancient hands, with stone on stone they were shaped and pulled from the earth’s embrace,
Mile on mile moved and with magic raised upon this sacred land.
And at this time of the Solstice,
The Holly King waits within the Stones.
He waits in darkness, and stillness,
For the coming of the dawn,
The rising of the Sun,
And the footsteps of his Oaken-leafed brother.
Whilst the Awen……is sung.
Brother, what is your name?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I am Hafgan, Lord of the Waxing Year,
I am the King of Oak,
I bring bud to leaf,
Bring life to the Earth,
I banish the cold of Winter,
And welcome the warmth of Spring,
And you my brother, what is your name?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I am Arawn, Lord of the Waning Year,
I am the King of Holly,
I strip bare your leaf-ridden trees,
I bring darkness to this land,
……and peace,
I banish the warmth of Summer
And welcome the iciness of Winter.
Brother, where do you come from?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I come from Annwn, the Otherworld.
And at the time of your greatest power I am born into this world of Abred,
Called by the singing of the Birds of Rhiannon,
The warmth of my breath, and my seed, awakens the life within my Queen,
And the land is bathed in the beauty of our love,
Whilst Annwn is ruled by Winter and Ice,
So Abred blossoms, caressed by the heat of my gazing eye.
And you my brother, where do you come from?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I come from Annwn, the Otherworld,
And at the time of your greatest power I am born into this world of Abred,
I ride on Rhiannon’s horse to claim my throne,
Laughing with the Wild Hunt I ride through the night sky,
My cold breath will make way for the coming of the Cailleach,
And the land will be bathed in the beauty of ice and darkness,
Whilst Annwn blossoms, in your heat,
So Abred will have peace, reflection, and renewal,
Guarded by Orion of the Silver Belt.
Brother, what art do you perform?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I lift the saddened heart,
Bring life to death,
Shape the hidden green,
Give flight to birds and insects,
My Bards sing upon their wing,
My orchestra plays music within the wind,
Life returns, and in that space where thought becomes dream,
Lovers walk upon the warm earth,
And lay under the stars, and the Sun, together.
And you my Brother, what art do you perform?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I give space to thought,
Bring renewal from death,
Bring rest to life, transformation to your crown of green,
I light the inner fire, and the hearth,
And quicken the heart of the beast,
My Bards are the stillness of the winter sky,
The reflection on the water,
The tears of the ice,
Life returns to that place where dreams are forgathered,
Lovers lie before the flickering fires in their homes,
And new life is nourished as my Lady strips bare the branches,
And lays her cloak across the land.
And I am here my Brother, to take my crown.
Then take this crown, but know this –
Even though you begin your rule,
My heat will grow,
My fire will ripen the fruit,
Turn the fields from green to gold,
And warm the oceans.
For although you take the power of light.
I retain the power of heat,
Until your Lady joins you,
At Samhain.
You can hear this by downloading the podcast from iTunes or
It is episode 69.
So to all my readers and my friends blessings to you this Yule.
Many celebrate Yule by visiting sacred sites such as Stonehenge to view the sunrise.
This is also the time when the Holly King passes his crown to the Oak King who rules from now till the Summer Solstice.
While writing this blog I was listening to Damh the Bards Druidcast podcast where he played a beautiful colloquy based on the battle of the two tree kings. If you download the podcast you can hear for yourself but here is the colloquy for you to read.
Colloquy of the Oak and Holly King
By Damh the Bard & Cerri Lee
Cold and bright the solstice dawn breaks through the heol-stone gate,
Time out of mind the stones have stood marking the zenith and the nadir of the sun’s journey across the sky.
Cut by our ancient hands, with stone on stone they were shaped and pulled from the earth’s embrace,
Mile on mile moved and with magic raised upon this sacred land.
And at this time of the Solstice,
The Holly King waits within the Stones.
He waits in darkness, and stillness,
For the coming of the dawn,
The rising of the Sun,
And the footsteps of his Oaken-leafed brother.
Whilst the Awen……is sung.
Brother, what is your name?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I am Hafgan, Lord of the Waxing Year,
I am the King of Oak,
I bring bud to leaf,
Bring life to the Earth,
I banish the cold of Winter,
And welcome the warmth of Spring,
And you my brother, what is your name?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I am Arawn, Lord of the Waning Year,
I am the King of Holly,
I strip bare your leaf-ridden trees,
I bring darkness to this land,
……and peace,
I banish the warmth of Summer
And welcome the iciness of Winter.
Brother, where do you come from?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I come from Annwn, the Otherworld.
And at the time of your greatest power I am born into this world of Abred,
Called by the singing of the Birds of Rhiannon,
The warmth of my breath, and my seed, awakens the life within my Queen,
And the land is bathed in the beauty of our love,
Whilst Annwn is ruled by Winter and Ice,
So Abred blossoms, caressed by the heat of my gazing eye.
And you my brother, where do you come from?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I come from Annwn, the Otherworld,
And at the time of your greatest power I am born into this world of Abred,
I ride on Rhiannon’s horse to claim my throne,
Laughing with the Wild Hunt I ride through the night sky,
My cold breath will make way for the coming of the Cailleach,
And the land will be bathed in the beauty of ice and darkness,
Whilst Annwn blossoms, in your heat,
So Abred will have peace, reflection, and renewal,
Guarded by Orion of the Silver Belt.
Brother, what art do you perform?
To which the Oak King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I lift the saddened heart,
Bring life to death,
Shape the hidden green,
Give flight to birds and insects,
My Bards sing upon their wing,
My orchestra plays music within the wind,
Life returns, and in that space where thought becomes dream,
Lovers walk upon the warm earth,
And lay under the stars, and the Sun, together.
And you my Brother, what art do you perform?
To which the Holly King replies,
Not hard to answer!
I give space to thought,
Bring renewal from death,
Bring rest to life, transformation to your crown of green,
I light the inner fire, and the hearth,
And quicken the heart of the beast,
My Bards are the stillness of the winter sky,
The reflection on the water,
The tears of the ice,
Life returns to that place where dreams are forgathered,
Lovers lie before the flickering fires in their homes,
And new life is nourished as my Lady strips bare the branches,
And lays her cloak across the land.
And I am here my Brother, to take my crown.
Then take this crown, but know this –
Even though you begin your rule,
My heat will grow,
My fire will ripen the fruit,
Turn the fields from green to gold,
And warm the oceans.
For although you take the power of light.
I retain the power of heat,
Until your Lady joins you,
At Samhain.
You can hear this by downloading the podcast from iTunes or
It is episode 69.
So to all my readers and my friends blessings to you this Yule.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Another year older...
Last Friday (7th Dec) was my birthday. Soon the 20s will be behind me but I do not lament! I am going to enjoy being this side of 30 as much as possible in the next year.
I thought I would show you what lovely gifts I received this year.

This lovely original ACEO of Elen of the Ways by the talented Esther Remmington. The leather frame was made by Martin Winkles of EBG Leather. (oh and some red polka dot slipper socks)
Esther also took a photo which shows the colours more true to life.
I also got these amazing studded Creepers. I have wanted a pair for ages.
And these lovely red boots too. I do love my footwear!
I also got some Hotel Chocolat Chocolate; yum! And a chunky knit cardigan with reindeer's on as well as other goodies.
Elen of the ways,
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Steampunk on a budget
Recently I have been to two events where I dress Steampunk. The first event was the Faery ball at Avalon and the second was at a friends rather awesome Halloween party.
For both events I dressed with the same key items but mixed it up a bit.
In this photo you can see my costume in full. The only thing that I really spent money on was the corset I am wearing.
This can be purchased from who do a lovely selection of steampunk attire. I managed to get mine off ebay for a fraction of the rrp! It pays to shop around.
The skirt was from a charity shop, I paid £3 for it and to give it a steampunk look I attached skirt lifters which in essence are just suspender clips. you can find a variety of them on sites like etsy but I got mine from Sock dreams:
The socks were cheap from ebay as were by boots.
My tweed jacket was another charity shop steal. I brought it back in August at Broadstairs Folkweek for £6. It was missing a couple of buttons but I had some military buttons to replace them and I added some patches I had to make it unique. The jacket label says it was originally from River island.
In this photo you can see the patches and badges I added to the jacket.
The Steampunk staple: goggles! These were provided by my dear friend Martin of EBG Leather, as was Leon's top hat:
My dread falls were made by a friend.
At the Halloween party I was surprised to discover that a competition was held for the best dress male and female costume and I got first place! Still very surprised.
Receiving my prize!
As part of my costume I also made a pair of wings but I made them a bit to big to wear but Esther Remmington did manage to take a photo of me wearing them.
Next time I will make them not so wide!
When buying things for a Steampunk outfit it is always best to search what you have already and visit your local Charity/ thrift shops and plan in advance!
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Blessed Samhain
31st of October is very important in the pagan calendar. The sabbat Samhain is a fire festival, marks the start of a new year and is when the veil between this world and the otherworld is at it's most thinnest.
Over the last few years I have seen Halloween become very commercialised like Christmas, with the high street supermarkets bringing out the same skull head goblets and zombie costumes but for me it is more than that.
Samhain is a time of reflection, of honouring our ancestors and remembering those who we have lost.
This is the perfect time for divination also and to plan what is to come in the year ahead.
However you chose to celebrate Halloween or Samhain may it be a time to reflect on what you have achieved so far.
To find out more about the sabbat of Samhain visit:
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Avalon faery ball and fayre.
On 26th October I went to the faery ball and fayre in Glastonbury. I have wanted to go to this event for several years and this time I booked the travelodge, brought the tickets and set off.
We left Kent at 6:30 in the morning and arrived in Glastonbury just after 10 o'clock and spent the day mooching about, meeting up with all my faerie friends and fellow artists.
Now from my previous blog post regular readers (and I know you exist because I have met a few of you over the weekend!) will know my heart lives in Stonewylde and I was lucky enough to meet the author who was doing a book signing in the lovely shop Cat and the Cauldron. I was so excited to meet Kit and to show my appreciation for her creation I gave her a mounted print of one of my paintings 'Monarch of the Stones' which Kit seemed very pleased to receive. A lovely lady!
We left Kent at 6:30 in the morning and arrived in Glastonbury just after 10 o'clock and spent the day mooching about, meeting up with all my faerie friends and fellow artists.
Now from my previous blog post regular readers (and I know you exist because I have met a few of you over the weekend!) will know my heart lives in Stonewylde and I was lucky enough to meet the author who was doing a book signing in the lovely shop Cat and the Cauldron. I was so excited to meet Kit and to show my appreciation for her creation I gave her a mounted print of one of my paintings 'Monarch of the Stones' which Kit seemed very pleased to receive. A lovely lady!
Me and Kit taken by Mr. B
After perusing the wares on display (and buying a few) in the shops and at the fayre we had to get back on the road.
We were staying in a Travelodge in Wincanton which was a 40 minute drive from Glastonbury so we had a short nap before getting ready for the ball!
I decided to go steampunk for this event and over the previous month I had been raiding charity shops and eBay for anything I could use for my costume. I also made some wings to wear (it was a faerie event after all!) but decided against wearing them because a) they were only made from Cardboard and would get broken, b) they were too big and would have been a nightmare to navigate through the throngs of people in the hall.
Me and Leon, Steampunks!
Everyone looked amazing! It was a shame it was so busy as I didn't get to see everyone's amazing outfits. There was a lovely mixture of fantastic creations. Faeries brush wings with pirates, mermaids, Ents, goblins, Celtic maidens and other Steampunks.
Everyone looked amazing! It was a shame it was so busy as I didn't get to see everyone's amazing outfits. There was a lovely mixture of fantastic creations. Faeries brush wings with pirates, mermaids, Ents, goblins, Celtic maidens and other Steampunks.
Celtic moon look positively lovely!
With Esther Remmington in her gorgeous costume made by Martin of EBG Leather and Sarah Aiston, my faerie arty friends. (Only of the bottles of drink was mine, promise!)
We danced the night away to the Dolmen and with sore feet I hobbled back to the car with a huge grin on my face. What a night!
Sunday morning was a dull and wet and my plan to walk up the Tor and visit the Chalice well gardens was put on hold. Instead we went back to the hall and talk to more of my artist friends, including the lovely Linda Ravenscroft, Tamara Newman and Sue Clyne. I also brought a silver bracelet from the very talented Terry English and the new book by Emily Carding called Faery craft which features many of my friends.
All too soon the day come to an end and we had to get back on the long journey home, tired but very happy.
I didn't take any photos so I would like to thank Esther Remmington and Sarah Aiston for letting me use their photos!
Sunday morning was a dull and wet and my plan to walk up the Tor and visit the Chalice well gardens was put on hold. Instead we went back to the hall and talk to more of my artist friends, including the lovely Linda Ravenscroft, Tamara Newman and Sue Clyne. I also brought a silver bracelet from the very talented Terry English and the new book by Emily Carding called Faery craft which features many of my friends.
All too soon the day come to an end and we had to get back on the long journey home, tired but very happy.
I didn't take any photos so I would like to thank Esther Remmington and Sarah Aiston for letting me use their photos!
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Follow me to Stonewylde
I first became aware of the Stonewylde series in 2010 after listening to the Damh the bard's Druidcast podcast interview with the author Kit Berry. Breaca from Celtic Moon told me she had started reading them and on that same day, in a spiritual shop in Rochester that was having a closing down sale I found 2 books from the series 'Moondance' and 'Solstice' at half price so I brought them.
I saw it as a sign.
I ordered the first book and I devoured them very quickly and I have just finished book 5 and the last book in the series.
Stonewylde's target audience is young adult but don't let that put you off, I know many of the readers are adults.
The story centres around a 14 year old girl living in London called Sylvie who is very sick, as if her body is allergic to the modern world. One of the doctors suggests she visits Stonewylde, an unspoilt estate in the depths of Dorset, run by the charismatic leader know as Magus.
Sylvie and her Mums life is turned upside down when they move in to the idyllic community, walled off from the outside world before Christianity took over as the main religion of the UK, Stonewylde is a pagan paradise. However not all is as it seems.
There are two types of people who live on the estate. The villagers, who live a life from a bygone era. Their cottages are rustic with no electricity and they work the land as labourers growing the food, chopping the wood, working the dairy and other work intensive jobs in tune with the natural rhythm of the landscape and the turn of the wheel.
The second type of people are the hall folk. These people can be identified by their blonde hair. They live in a magnificent Tudor building on the grounds and have access to class rate education and electricity and mod cons.
Yul is a village boy who is also one of the protagonist of the story. Through his eyes we see the beauty of Stonewylde, with it's cliff top views of the sea and ancient standing stones and stone circles and untouched woodland. But we also see a very dark and cruel side. These books are not for the faint hearted. It is shockingly violent in some chapters with Yul suffering from abuse at the hands of his father and the Magus. It might put some people off but for me it only served in making the story more real.
As Sylvie gets better from the Green magic given to her by Magus she discovers for herself the true beauty of the Goddess in the landscape and witness the magical rituals performed by the community. What I wouldn't give to take part in taking part in a Beltane ceremony in Stonewylde!
I'm not going to go any further then that about what the books are about, that should be enough to pique your interest.
These books take hold of you. The characters are believable, and rich. You care about them which is what made reading the last and final book so very difficult for me.
If you are interested in pagan fiction then I would recommend reading Stonewylde and when you do come join me and other fan over on the Stonewylde community at
Stonewylde is waiting, are you ready?
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Celtic Moon pagan community
So I have mentioned Celtic Moon a few times on my blog now and I thought I would expand on my own experience with this very special group I am a part of.
I joined Celtic moon of July 2010 after meeting the priestess Breaca at one of the festivals I had a art stall at in Canterbury. It was the same time I had set up my own group on the Ning social network called 'Faerie Seekers'. I was looking for more like minded folk to interact with as I felt I had been on my solitary path for too long. Ning decided to stop it's free content so I had to close 'Faerie Seekers' and put all my focus into Celtic Moon and I am so glad I did.
By joining Celtic Moon I have not only made some wonderful friends but I now truly feel pagan where before I didn't know where I was headed (this was also the same time I found my patron Goddess Elen.)
On the Celtic Moon website you can have a page where people can contact you just like on Facebook, post blogs, join groups and discussions on lots of different topics, from spirit guides, crystal healing and magick to name a few.
Through Celtic Moon I began my journey as a Bard in training and the Druid group has been very important in my studies.
The Celtic Moon big days out are a great way to get together and have fun with people who won't look at you oddly for wearing toadstool earrings or comment on why you have a Star of David necklace on (been there, got the t-shirt.)
In May of this year I attended the Celtic Moon Pagan pilgrimage which has to be one of the highlights of this year for me by far. You can read about the pilgrimage here :
And it was during this holiday that I was invited to join the Celtic Moon Circle as a member which means I now attend physical moot meetings with the other members and join in with sabbat celebrations and rituals.
Celtic Moon at present does not have any room in it's circle for new members, however there is plenty of room over on the website for members to join.
A few weeks ago we made a introduction video for new members to get to know who the circle members are, if you see any of us in the chat room don't be scared to say hello. We don't bite and I look forward to welcoming you to the community.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Drum birthing and the Goddess
The last couple of days have been truly exceptional in term of unforgettable experiences.
On Friday 28th September I went to Caer Corhrain Shaminic Center to birth my very own shamanic drum.
It was a wonderful day and I met some lovely people. It was all carried out in ritual and we were all there to do the same thing regardless of the reason why.
Lynn, Jonathan and Bruce were excellent tutors, everything was at a perfect pace and my early nervousness soon evaporated.
My drum is made from deer hide which I chose to represent and honour my lady Elen of the ways. My hide even carries the bullet hole from where the animal of course was shot. Some people might not like to be reminded that the hide was killed in such a manner but as I was making the drum and working with the hide I asked for the deers love and forgiveness and promised that her death was not in vain.
In the afternoon we were then blessed by a visit from a beautiful golden Eagle. When he flapped his wings in this picture....
A tiny part of feather got caught in my hair which I then placed in the beater head I was making. So deer and Eagle, two animals I have strong connection with coming together.
I can't recommend birthing your own drum enough. To have a tool that I have created with my own hands, that I have now got such a deep connection with does not beat (excuse the pun) buying a drum off the Internet.
More about the shamanic development centre and Touch the Earth band and events
The drum birthing group and our drums. Look how happy we are. Any one spot the orb?
On Saturday 29th at the Mabon Celtic Moon moot I held a introduction talk about my patron Goddess Elen. You can read more about the Goddess in this blog post
My talk was a deeply personal account of how I became aware of Elen and how she has helped transform me as a Pagan.
I then took the members of the circle on a drum journey, deep into the forest to meet with Elen and in turn blessing my own newly birthed drum. I couldn't play my drum as It was still drying at home and I have to wait a week before I can play it and get to learn it's tone and voice.
This talk turned out to be extremely emotional for me which took me completely by surprise. Before I discovered My Lady I was very lost on my path. In fact I was very close to not calling myself Pagan!
At the end of the talk I had the other members of Celtic Moon say how much they enjoyed my talk and that made it all worth it.
Photo by fellow Celtic Moon member Esther show my little altar I set up, including her lovely portrait of Elen.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Steampunk and the Mainstream
Last night was a veritable feast of the eyes for the closing ceremony of the Paralympics. In the beginning VT I was interested that the first person on screen look slightly steampunk and then came the vehicles! Giant mechanical beasts, a ship and a clock with huge working gears. Oh my yes THIS was steampunk.
Even the graphics on screen had gears, steam and cogs. To say I was excited as the spectacle unfolded would be an understatement.
The amazing creations were from an art group known as The Mutoid waste company who started in the 80s and specialise making fantastic sculptures from old cars and influenced by the film Mad Max.
It is always interesting when a subculture ( yes Steampunk is a subculture) is depicted in the mainstream. We have yet to have a full blown representation of Steampunk in the mainstream. Closest we got so far is a few movies with mechanical elements such as Wild Wild West and Stardust to name a few.
The closing ceremony was so original and exciting to watch even though most of it was a Cold Play concert.
Also did anyone else notice the pagan elements? The show it's self was a festival of the flame, (fire festival) Flame throwers were used to scorch a circle with symbols on to the grass.
The spirits of the elements were called (calling of the quarters) and a huge sun mask which looked like a green man burned high above.
Well done Kim Gavin, I was presently surprised and well done to all the amazing athletes, the volunteers and everyone else who made this a summer of sport to remember.
Even the graphics on screen had gears, steam and cogs. To say I was excited as the spectacle unfolded would be an understatement.
The amazing creations were from an art group known as The Mutoid waste company who started in the 80s and specialise making fantastic sculptures from old cars and influenced by the film Mad Max.
It is always interesting when a subculture ( yes Steampunk is a subculture) is depicted in the mainstream. We have yet to have a full blown representation of Steampunk in the mainstream. Closest we got so far is a few movies with mechanical elements such as Wild Wild West and Stardust to name a few.
The closing ceremony was so original and exciting to watch even though most of it was a Cold Play concert.
Also did anyone else notice the pagan elements? The show it's self was a festival of the flame, (fire festival) Flame throwers were used to scorch a circle with symbols on to the grass.
The spirits of the elements were called (calling of the quarters) and a huge sun mask which looked like a green man burned high above.
Well done Kim Gavin, I was presently surprised and well done to all the amazing athletes, the volunteers and everyone else who made this a summer of sport to remember.
Monday, 3 September 2012
Morris dancing, wedding and classic cars- a round up
I have been neglecting my blog but not because I don't want to! Life has changed a lot since we got the puppy and because my PC is upstairs I haven't been able to get on it while keeping an eye on him and I need to constantly keep an eye on him as he is a little scamp! He sure is getting big though.
So what has been going on? August was a busy time for events, the first one was the Broadstairs Folk week. Now I have lived in Kent all my life and I have never been to this week long event but I will be going again next year.
Folk week is a festival showcasing some amazing local bands and is a big gathering for the Morris dancers. I have friends in Morris dancing sides so we set up camp in a school field with them but because of little Keijo we couldn't spend the whole week in Broadstairs so it was a lot of driving back and forth. Hopefully next year we can spend all week there.
On the Thursday night there was a rock and roll night so I decided to get dressed in my red Hell Bunny dress and put my hair up in three victory rolls. Any excuse to get dressed up. However I did not realise how much of a stir my look would make and I had a queue of gentlemen wanting to dance with me. I had to turn them down as earlier that day I wore shoes which left me two very painful blisters on my heels which made it hard for me to walk let alone dance.
p.s I can't really dance well either. I would love to take jive lessons.
No photos of me dressed up on that night as Leon was too drunk to operate his camera. Here are some photos from the week to give you an idea of the event itself.
Next event was a wedding! My dear friends got married on the 25th August and for the happy occasion I wore my Miss Fortune atomic print wiggle dress which I brought for another wedding in April that did not go ahead.
I managed to dye by hair the brightest shade of red I have ever managed and my victory rolls were perfect!
Lastly on the August bank holiday Monday it was the Folkstone classic and custom car show. Last year we entered are Smart cars in to it but this year we just went as spectators. The show was even bigger this year and because we took Keijo with us every one (I mean everyone) made a right fuss of him.
So what has been going on? August was a busy time for events, the first one was the Broadstairs Folk week. Now I have lived in Kent all my life and I have never been to this week long event but I will be going again next year.
Folk week is a festival showcasing some amazing local bands and is a big gathering for the Morris dancers. I have friends in Morris dancing sides so we set up camp in a school field with them but because of little Keijo we couldn't spend the whole week in Broadstairs so it was a lot of driving back and forth. Hopefully next year we can spend all week there.
On the Thursday night there was a rock and roll night so I decided to get dressed in my red Hell Bunny dress and put my hair up in three victory rolls. Any excuse to get dressed up. However I did not realise how much of a stir my look would make and I had a queue of gentlemen wanting to dance with me. I had to turn them down as earlier that day I wore shoes which left me two very painful blisters on my heels which made it hard for me to walk let alone dance.
p.s I can't really dance well either. I would love to take jive lessons.
No photos of me dressed up on that night as Leon was too drunk to operate his camera. Here are some photos from the week to give you an idea of the event itself.
Next event was a wedding! My dear friends got married on the 25th August and for the happy occasion I wore my Miss Fortune atomic print wiggle dress which I brought for another wedding in April that did not go ahead.
I managed to dye by hair the brightest shade of red I have ever managed and my victory rolls were perfect!
Rolls of victory
Dress by Miss Fortune, it was a shame I didn't get a better view from the front
Reddest red my hair has ever been!
A beautiful VW Bus. Matched my handbag!
Any one for ice cream?
Me and the dawg.
And that about rounds it up. I promise to update more regularly from now on.
classic cars,
pinup rockabilly,
victory rolls,
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Today, 1st of August marks one of the Celtic/pagan cross quarter festivals known as Lughnasadh (pronounced loo-Nass-ah) or Lammas. This is a harvest festival and a time when our ancestors who lived more closely to the land would reap what had been sown in the golden corn fields.
Lughnasadh is a wonderful time to look back and review what has accumulated in the last months.
To find out more about the traditions of this havest festival take a look at the Stonewylde website;
Lughnasadh is a wonderful time to look back and review what has accumulated in the last months.
To find out more about the traditions of this havest festival take a look at the Stonewylde website;
I leave you with a piece of music by Damh the Bard called Lughnasadh
Blessings to you on this Lughnasadh.
pagan ways,
Monday, 23 July 2012
Puppy power!
We have a new member of our household! May I introduce Keijo the Finnish Lapphund!
Keijo (pronounced Key-yoo, we think) is a 8 weeks old little bundle of fluff, fun and cuteness!
We have wanted a dog for ages and it was a long search finding the right type of dog that we would all be happy with. My partner's Mum had wanted a husky but they would never fit in the smarts!
Little Keijo is quite rare in the UK and I am sure when he gets older I will have this sentence down to a tee.
A spitz type, like a husky but smaller.
So far Keijo has had fun exploring the garden area and has settled in really well. We was worried he was going to miss his 6 siblings but as long as he has humans to keep him company he seems perfectly happy!
The breeder, Toni Jackson is the author of the only book about the breed and has many championship winners. We were very lucky to get a pup from such a great breeder. I am sure little Keijo is going to be just as handsome as his papa!
He really is a little poser, which is great as we have a photographer in the family.
Links about the breed Lapphund breeder lapphund club
Keijo (pronounced Key-yoo, we think) is a 8 weeks old little bundle of fluff, fun and cuteness!
We have wanted a dog for ages and it was a long search finding the right type of dog that we would all be happy with. My partner's Mum had wanted a husky but they would never fit in the smarts!
Little Keijo is quite rare in the UK and I am sure when he gets older I will have this sentence down to a tee.
A spitz type, like a husky but smaller.
This is Keijo 's daddy!
Photo from
These dogs were breed as reindeer herders in their native country and have beautiful fur to keep them warm in the cold weather. They are a energetic and intelligent breed.So far Keijo has had fun exploring the garden area and has settled in really well. We was worried he was going to miss his 6 siblings but as long as he has humans to keep him company he seems perfectly happy!
Leon taking photos of the pups.
The breeder, Toni Jackson is the author of the only book about the breed and has many championship winners. We were very lucky to get a pup from such a great breeder. I am sure little Keijo is going to be just as handsome as his papa!
He really is a little poser, which is great as we have a photographer in the family. about the breed Lapphund breeder lapphund club
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Why yes, I do knit.
Recently I have started to learn to knit. At first it was to get my mother to pick up the needles again as she didn't have any hobbies and I remembered she was an avid knitter when I was younger and also because I wanted to learn a new skill.
To begin with I knitted some arm warmers and then a bag for my Druid Animal oracle cards, practising my knit, purl and blanket stitch.
My mother had made a few blankets for people in our family and I decided that a blanket would make a perfect gift for my friends Handfasting so I got set to work on knitting 30x30 squares in greens and purples. My mum helped me out with the knitting and I was able to lay the squares out to make a pattern.
To begin with I knitted some arm warmers and then a bag for my Druid Animal oracle cards, practising my knit, purl and blanket stitch.
My mother had made a few blankets for people in our family and I decided that a blanket would make a perfect gift for my friends Handfasting so I got set to work on knitting 30x30 squares in greens and purples. My mum helped me out with the knitting and I was able to lay the squares out to make a pattern.
Apologise for the bad quality photo. This was taken on my iPad to get a sense of how big the blanket would be and how I wanted it to look. Here I still needed to knit four light green squares.
Once I had all the squares I was able to start sewing the patches together. This was the most laborious part of making the blanket!
The finished blanket!
A close up of the blanket with silver Pentacle charm and the striped squares knitted by my mum.
I tied the finished blanket up with a cord made using a lucet tool. A two pronged fork that was used in Viking times!
This photo shows the lucet cord in Vandrake's hands.
I really enjoyed making this blanket and the bride and groom seemed very happy to receive it!
I look forward to sharing more of my knitting endeavours with you in the future.
I am now off to go and cheer on the Olympic torch bearers as it passes through my town.
Until next time!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
A Druid Handfasting
On Saturday the 14th I took part I a very important ceremony. My friends and co-founders of the Celtic Moon pagan group, Vandrake and Breaca had their Druid Handfasting.
For those not in the know, a Handfasting is a pagan wedding ceremony where traditionally the bride and groom wed for a year and a day, they have their hands binded together in a ritual cord symbolising the couple binding them selves together, in this world and the next. It is also traditional for the wedded couple to jump over a besom (broom) to complete the transition of leaving one life and starting a new one together.
The ceremony was at The Fighting Cocks pub in Horton Kirby. My other half Leon was the photographer and I was to be part of the circle invoking the quarters.
We arrived at 12 o'clock to help set up the cakes, flowers, napkins and anything else I could find to help with the organisation.
The pub soon got busy as friends and family members of the bride and groom arrived and so did the rain!
It was touch and go if the ceremony would go ahead outside as planned but the decision was made and we ventured ahead and we were lucky that the rain lessen and then stopped during the ritual.
The members of the Celtic Moon circle were all dressed in fleece cloaks with hoods up and when the guests were seated we walked in single file down the aisle to the drum beat provided by the Pentacle Drummers.
We fanned out to make a semi circle besides the gazebo where the altar and the celebrants stood to conduct the service.
The ritual was beautiful. The vows were heartfelt and touching and it was very difficult not to shed a tear.
For those not in the know, a Handfasting is a pagan wedding ceremony where traditionally the bride and groom wed for a year and a day, they have their hands binded together in a ritual cord symbolising the couple binding them selves together, in this world and the next. It is also traditional for the wedded couple to jump over a besom (broom) to complete the transition of leaving one life and starting a new one together.
The ceremony was at The Fighting Cocks pub in Horton Kirby. My other half Leon was the photographer and I was to be part of the circle invoking the quarters.
We arrived at 12 o'clock to help set up the cakes, flowers, napkins and anything else I could find to help with the organisation.
The pub soon got busy as friends and family members of the bride and groom arrived and so did the rain!
It was touch and go if the ceremony would go ahead outside as planned but the decision was made and we ventured ahead and we were lucky that the rain lessen and then stopped during the ritual.
The members of the Celtic Moon circle were all dressed in fleece cloaks with hoods up and when the guests were seated we walked in single file down the aisle to the drum beat provided by the Pentacle Drummers.
Waiting for the go ahead
The Celtic Moon march
Pentacle drummers
We fanned out to make a semi circle besides the gazebo where the altar and the celebrants stood to conduct the service.
The ritual was beautiful. The vows were heartfelt and touching and it was very difficult not to shed a tear.
After the vows and rings were exchanged the couple held hands and were tied together with a handfasting cord.
Here is me in the role of giving thanks to the south quarter. I hope I said the words correctly!
Leaping over the broom.
Celtic Moon <3
The gorgeous cake by Anna of ANe Cakes
The wonderful portrait of the couple painted by he very talented Esther Remmington
Gift giving! Mine was a hand knitted blanket, more about this in my next blog post.
After that there wasn't much else to do but party!
It was a wonderful day and one I will treasure for many years.
Congratulations to Vandrake and Breaca!
Photographs courtesy of LJS Digital photography:
Wedding cake:
Esther Remmington art:
More information on Handfasting can be found here:
Celtic moon,
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